Growing Weigela – Tips On The Care Of Weigela
When you learn how to grow Weigela, you’ll know how to grow a shrub valued for use as a specimen or border plant.
This old-fashioned beauty blooms profusely in spring and sporadically through the summer. Care of Weigela is low maintenance. A tough and hardy shrub, Weigela care involves planting the growing weigela in the right area and watering it in. This may lead you to wonder where to plant Weigela. How to Grow Weigela As with any shrub planting, learn the mature size of the bush and allow room in the landscape for its full growth. Roots need room to grow and only so much pruning for size is effective. Weigela Florida grows to 10 feet (3 m.) in height and 10 feet (3 m.) across and around, so leave that much room when planting the small shrub from a 2 gallon (8 L.) pot.
Weigela Care
Weigela care includes pruning for shape. Mature bushes benefit from the removal of older interior branches in late winter to improve the shrub’s vigor and bloom the next year. Light pruning for shape can be included in care of Weigela following the spring bloom. Growing Weigela should be fertilized once a year as a part of Weigela care. A regular, balanced plant food in late winter can promote more springtime blooms. Dwarf cultivars are available of various Weigela. Care of smaller plants involves less pruning and less room necessary for their growth. Dwarf varieties of Weigela grow well in containers and may decorate your full sun area with attractive blooms. Dwarf Weigela care is similar to that of the regular specimen. Both ground and container planted specimens need regular watering as part of Weigela care. Growing Weigela provides long time blooms in your landscape.