Hebe veronica

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Hebe veronica, commonly known as Veronica or Koromiko, is a flowering evergreen shrub native to New Zealand.

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Hebe veronica, commonly known as Veronica or Koromiko, is a flowering evergreen shrub native to New Zealand.

Here are some key features:

  1. Appearance: Hebe veronica typically grows as a compact shrub with lance-shaped leaves that are often glossy and can vary in color from green to purple.
  2. Flowers: The plant produces spikes of small, tubular flowers in various colors, including white, pink, purple, or blue, depending on the cultivar.
  3. Habitat: Indigenous to New Zealand, Hebe veronica is adaptable to various conditions but thrives in well-draining soil and prefers a sunny to partially shaded location.
  4. Size: The size of the shrub can vary, with some cultivars reaching a height of 1 to 2 meters.
  5. Cultural Significance: Hebe veronica holds cultural significance in Maori traditional medicine, where extracts from the plant have been used for various therapeutic purposes.


  1. cabdirect.org – Veronica (plant)
  2. nzpcn.org.nz – Hebe veronica
  3. rhs.org.uk – Hebe
  4. tematapeak.co.nz – Hebe veronica
  5. gardenia.net – Hebe veronica
Weight 0,7 kg
Dimensions 50 × 50 × 50 cm
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